Americans disregarded a track record of failure and voted Barak Obama in for another four years. After pulling-back several hundred points just before the election, stocks continued their slide with another 400+ point DJIA decline after the votes were cast. Gold, as one would expect, turned-around and reclaimed its superiority over broad market equities, rising 3% in the week. Stock...Read More
This is not a political blog – never has been, never will be. Issues like abortion and gay marriage are of no consequence here. Politicians use these topics to distract Americans from the most important Market related concerns. Like many savvy investors, I fully acknowledge the importance of elections and their according influence over money,...Read More
I have blogged several times before about the money game going on in the world today. I have called it a currency crisis, a shell game, and a ponzi scheme. It is every bit of all three. The currency crisis, of course, began with fiscal irresponsibility by governments in the form of prolonged annual operating shortfalls –...Read More
Last week I started a blog called, Stocks Leap on False Impression, but had to leave on a business trip before I had a chance to post it. Sorry about that. Here’s the opening to that blog: The U.S. Department of Labor announced that the unemployment rate dropped to 7.8% from 8.2%. I have a hard...Read More
Gas prices in my area have once again started rising and are now comfortably over $4 per gallon. With another northeast winter just around the corner, home heating oil is poised for $5 per gallon by first frost. Consumers and investors alike should expect a steady and rapid rise in price from these current levels....Read More
The other day I was talking to my friend Billy about the recent move Dow Jones made to the Industrial Average – a move, no doubt, prompted by the Supreme Court’s decision regarding the Affordable Care Act. That decision changed the Market significantly. Shortly thereafter, on July 7, 2012, I concluded in Supreme Letdown: “The “healthcare boom” begins...Read More
As mentioned previously, QE announcements in Europe and America sent stock prices soaring. The 15-51 strength Indicator posted another new all-time high, closing over 70,000 points for the first time in its history. The same news pushed the Dow Jones Industrial Average over the action zone high, and officially into a territory known as irrational exuberance. The Average ended the week...Read More
Just a few days after posting Where There’s a Boom…, European Central Bank president Mario Draghi announced that he was ready to follow America’s lead and implement a Euro Zone version of quantitative easing (QE) – this in an attempt to soften its deepening economic crisis — and it sent stocks flying. Like in the U.S.,...Read More
As the Federal Reserve inches closer to implementing another round of monetary smoke and mirrors, gold has once again taken over the Dow Jones Industrial Average for the year. Gold is up 8%, the Dow added 7%, while the 15-51 Indicator has gained a stunning 40% so far this year. It is, in fact, performing...Read More