The Dow Jones Industrial Average shed 1% of its value this week as news surrounding the “fiscal cliff” continued to mount. To the contrary, the 15-51 strength Indicator gained 1.5% and gold rose more than 3%. Here’s the year-to-date picture. The Dow and gold have been in a street fight for most of the year. One indicates...Read More
“The market” continues to tiptoe towards the action zone’s high point. The Dow Average is up 8% for this year despite lackluster economic growth and poor Market fundamentals. Stock market strength is up 34% year-to date and gold is keeping pace with nominal GDP, up 3%. Here’s the picture. For the most recent twelve months, the DJIA...Read More
I’ve been following the facebook scandal since before the stock hit the street. In Facebook Flop, Too Big to Succeed, I said “IPO’s commonly find their way into mutual funds. So if you own a mutual fund you might have lost a few bucks on facebook and don’t know it [yet]. That’s another hidden cost of pooled investment...Read More
Investment is about one thing – growth. Stocks perform best when economies are growing briskly in Real terms. Real growth, as we know, is growth adjusted for inflation. For some reason it has gone largely unreported that Real growth dropped more than 20% from the first to second quarters’ of 2012. Here’s the table of...Read More
Stock market strength has been flat three weeks running while the Average continues to bounce around, looking soft in the process. Here’s a look at the most recent 12 months. Stock market strength looks scared to move higher, and with current Market conditions, who could blame it. Looking at gold’s trend-line, especially the last few...Read More
Still hung-over by recent Supreme Court missteps, the stock market reflected my blahaissez-faire sentiment in a mish-mash of trading. After losing almost 400 points in six consecutive down sessions, the Dow Jones Industrial Average got half of it back on Friday, ending up 204 points. The Average eked out a 1% gain for the week while stock market strength...Read More
Let me begin by saying that I’m not a lawyer and I have a plaque on my desk to prove it. But I can read, and have an independent mind. My goal in this blog area, as always, is to provide you – the independent investor – with all the tools and analysis required to invest successfully...Read More
It has been one year since the 15-51 Indicator was published via LOSE YOUR BROKER NOT YOUR MONEY. Since then, stock market strength has produced an amazing 44% return on investment in ugly market conditions. Average stock market returns, as indicated by the Dow Jones Industrial Average, produced a measly 3% gain in the most recent...Read More
In a week where the Supreme Court ruled that it is constitutional to tax economic inactivity – both gold and the stock market ended higher by 2%. Here’s the year-to-date picture. The upward move in stock prices makes absolutely no sense. The free-market was dealt a severe one-two punch by the U.S. Supreme Court this week. Two...Read More
Goldman Sachs woke up and read the Wall Street Journal today; and it prompted them to recommend shorting the S&P 500 to their clients. The recommendation came amid another wave of negative Market fundamentals. A short sale is performed when an investor believes prices are going to move lower. Goldman, therfore, sees “the market” moving...Read More