For those of you who know how much I like to keep it Real, know this: it’s easy to get caught up in the daily mumble-jumble of every day life. Perspective is key during times like these. Now, more than ever, losing focus is a costly proposition. Stocks bounced around this week but gold was steady,...Read More
Negative Market fundamentals continue to pour in all over the world. Pick your crisis: Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, the slowdown in Asia, the United States – whatever the case – they’re all getting worse. The problems overseas, as we know, are both monetary and fiscal. Key elections are to take place in Greece this weekend,...Read More
Benchmark investment indicators turnaround again this week, as the Dow Jones Industrial Average and gold continue to twist around breakeven for the year. Using gold as an indicator of money and the Dow as one for economic activity — both look confused. In the current environment, with bad money policy and negative Market fundamentals, stock...Read More
While China is lowering interest rates and easing reserve requirements for banks, Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke reinforced his wait-and-see approach before reassuring banks, and Wall Streeters, that he was ready to act if necessary. “We have a number of different options” he told a Congressional panel – should the cancer in Europe spread to America. But...Read More
The Dow Jones Industrial Average continued its correction this week ending June 1, 2012. The Average lost 339 points, or 2.7%, of its value in this four-day trading week; and is now down 1% for the year. The 15-51 strength Indicator was also down for the week, shedding 1.3% of its value. Despite poor Market...Read More
While above-average companies continued to outperform this week, average ones went nowhere – and I guess that’s good news considering the ugly Market environment that surrounds us. The stock market selloff that began in April got some more juice this week: Best Buy’s profit fell again, this time 25%; and consumer staple cereal maker General...Read More
Facebook fell flat on the first day if its highly anticipated initial public offering (IPO). The stock opened at $42 per share and then quickly rose to $45 – before dropping like a hot rock to a dismal first day close of $38.23. That was Friday, May 18th. On Monday, day two, facebook closed at...Read More
Further to my blog: Stay Ready, Be Patient, I have a few more points to make about credit risk, interest rates, bonds, and high yield mutual funds – but first, some irony. On May 28, 2012 the aforementioned blog asked rhetorically, “Wouldn’t it be interesting if they [Greece and Spain] struck a new deal with [the IMF]?...Read More
The ugliness at JP Morgan Chase continues to top headline news. Even though it’s a really bad situation there, it is just one bad apple in what has become a truly spoiled bunch. Banks are in terrible shape all over the world. Greece and Spain have experienced significant cash runs on their banking systems because,...Read More
I would love to blog today about the competition between Spain and Greece – which country will steal the headlines, and who is in worse shape. But today I don’t care about them, or their problems. Today I care most about those being screwed the most with the current U.S. financial condition. U.S. senior citizens –...Read More