
Spain, not Greece, continues to headline news from across the pond. There is real trouble in Europe. Here is a sample of recent Wall Street Journal headlines in the past several days: Spain’s Unemployment Jumps, Deepening Crisis (4.27.2012) Data Deepen Spanish Gloom (4.30.2012) Hollande, Sarkozy Square Off in France in key Vote for Euro Zone...
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May 02, 2012 Those who have read my book know that I grew up in the inner city.  It was there I learned that a seasoned con-artist could be more sincere and convincing than Mother Teresa. Daunting economic conditions can easily make you question yourself, the conventional approach, and your options going forward. Let me...
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Every time I write one of these blogs I try to talk in real terms.  In other words – I always try to keep it real.  But today I am going to talk in Real terms – that is, adjusted for inflation. Inflation, you may recall from my book, is not growth but a general rise in prices....
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Mitt Romney all but ended the Republican Party primary yesterday by sweeping all east and northeast venues. Today he finds himself to be the lucky man to jump into the ring against heavyweight champion Barak Obama in a battle for the next four years. Governments control markets (read chapter 2 of my book for more...
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As I mentioned in LOSE YOUR BROKER NOT YOUR MONEY, I get my information from a lot of different sources. Gathered from all different kinds of news services, I prepare these blogs for independent financial managers and discuss what they should be keeping their eyes on from the view of an independent investor.  Though I...
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There was a lot of speculation about currency trading early today and it prompted me to write this blog. First a clarification, the goal of “trading” is to make money on short-term trends. It’s completely different from investing. Trading is short-term; investing is long-term. The former is speculative and the latter is logical. As such,...
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Stocks closed last week with their worst trading performance so far this year. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 1.6 % and the 15-51 Indicator dropped 3.3%. “The market” continues to rattle around the top of its action zone range amid the same old story. Spain saw its cost of debt increase swiftly – a...
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“The market” rattled around the past several days which is quite common for over-valued markets. The shake-up came on the heels of renewed fears that the Euro-Zone is in deeper trouble than the “experts” previously thought. During those down days goods news, like today’s misinterpretation of Beige Book data, was missing. Without a “good news”...
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When you look around and follow the news and read these blogs you know the status of stock prices today – whether they are high or low and whether it is an appropriate time to buy, sell, or hold. You should also know which asset classes you should own and how much of each is appropriate for you. These are all...
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The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed the first quarter up 8.1%, and according to its Wall Street Journal steward, recorded its largest first quarter gain since 1998 – that was during the heat of the tech-boom era by the way.  Call me crazy but this environment feels nothing like that one. The 15-51 strength Indicator grew...
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