
Stock market valuations continue their march towards irrationally exuberant levels. The Dow closed yesterday at 13,243 – less than 200 points from the highpoint of the action zone – and is relatively unchanged in early trading to day. Caution to those aggressive players still looking to sell at higher levels. Market timers and fund managers can get...
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There is wide belief in the false premise that the U.S. economy is gathering steam – that systemic market failures have been corrected, and that the worst of market conditions are behind investors. I caution you against such naïveté. Wall Street is notorious for over-reacting to market stimuli – in both up markets and down....
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The stock market story for this week, no doubt, is the massive losses posted by JP Morgan Chase – a company, no doubt, considered “too big to fail.” The company’s CEO, Wall Street sweetheart Jamie Dimon, announced in an ad hoc news conference that his company lost $2 billion in the most recent fiscal quarter...
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My first mini-series with came to a conclusion on Thursday, March 8. In many ways it was an end to the beginning.  As such, let me start by thanking Ashford for breaking the Lose Your Broker story and allowing me to advance the independent investor message on their network.  They will always be the...
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That’s what strength looks like. Learn how to outperform.
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Many of us forget that a global competition for profit begins with a global competition for investment capital – a.k.a. a global competition for money. Investment capital is the fuel for economic growth and prosperity. It creates jobs, raises wages and standards of living.  It is the solution to poverty, unemployment, and stagnant economies. Needless...
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I stumbled across an interesting interview with Blackrock Management’s Laurence Fink yesterday afternoon on CNBC.  Blackrock is one of the largest mutual fund companies in the world.  Mr. Fink, who should have appeared on my book cover with a clown nose on his face, is their CEO.  He was out trying to coax investors into...
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Those who have read my book know that the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and the 15-51 Indicator started 1996 at 5,117.  The Dow closed over 13,000 points today and for the first time since May 2008. Some thought it was a big deal. Not me. The 15-51 strength Indicator closed the day at 59,633 – up...
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I keep hearing television pundits’ claim that there is no threat of a “double-dip” recession.  To offer one specific example, Larry Kudlow has recently promulgated such a notion. And Larry’s has a lot of creds; he worked in the Reagan White House and has popular shows on CNBC and ABC radio. But he’s dead wrong...
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The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) closed Friday’s trading at a 52 Week high – 12,950.  It’s had quite a run, indeed, but let’s not forget it’s just an average portfolio.  It shouldn’t be the high watermark when it comes to stock performance.  To achieve financial success independence your entire portfolio should beat “the market.”...
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