
I walked into a meeting today with a couple of brokers and their first words to me were, “Wow, Dan – all dressed up today.” I smiled and nodded my head. Truth be told, I’m a notoriously causal dresser. But today was different. Today was my first personal encounter with the Wall Street establishment since publishing LOSE YOUR BROKER...
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“The market” rebounded today by posting a 112 point gain after yesterday’s 389 point slide.  If I were a gambling man, which I’m not, I would have bet it would have dropped another 125 points today.  My friend Bobby had his money on a 60 point gain.  (Yeah I wrote the book – but he...
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Even though I’ve been blogging for just a couple of months it’s hard to believe how many times I could title today’s blog what I named one just a few days ago.   Today a story headlined on the Wall Street Journal’s website entitled: HSBC Hurt by Bad Loans – and to me, it’s like déjà vu all over...
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How many times have we heard that China is the new land of opportunity and prosperity – that they have established a new model for economic growth and prosperity?  It’s a place where everybody is equal, united in their common purpose, pursuing their common goal.  How many times have we heard this and how great...
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My friend Iggy called me this morning and asked what my friend Craig asked me last night: Do basic market fundamentals still apply, or are they historically irrelevant?  The speculation surrounding this is just silly. The recipe for investment success hasn’t changed since it began and neither have market fundamentals. In order to profit, you must sell something for...
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If anybody is still wondering why England didn’t join the Euro-Zone all they have to do is look at what’s going on in the region. First there was a Greek deal, and then there wasn’t. Then a scheduled referendum, and then a cancellation. Then there was a coalition, then nothing of the sort. The Italian Prime Minister won’t resign,...
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The northeast got slammed again this year. This storm, which arrived with little hype, packed one hell-of-a punch.   From my vantage point, this is worse than Irene.  The damage here in the northeast is extensive.   Many areas will be out of power for a week or more, for a second time this year....
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In a weekend Wall Street Journal article entitled, When Funds Lend Stock, Who Gains? author Jason Zweig explains how a new study uncovered that many mutual fund managers skim proceeds from stock lending programs (mostly used in transactions for short sales.) In other words, mutual funds are lending stocks that investors own – but keep the majority of...
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These are the kinds of days that the stock market can make you scratch your head.  The news is overwhelmingly negative.  Yet the DJIA headed higher by 104 points. There is so much to say about today’s news.  I’d love to hit it all but don’t want to get lost.  Today, I start and stay...
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Many have already opined on the problem with the Wall Street “occupation” movement. Some say its lack of leadership, others insist it’s the lack of a coherent message, or unifying theme, like the Tea Party had when they began some years ago. Sure many Tea Partiers had ancillary issues that were important to their individual selves, but...
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