
The Dow Jones Industrial Average followed yesterday’s 247 point drop with a 180 point gain. The news looks the same, as seen with these Wall Street Journal headlines: Markdowns Put Goldman in the Red             BofA Swings to Profit in Muddled Quarter             France’s Credit Rating Under Pressure But today the market’s real nemesis fired another...
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European Woes Knock Stocks Back Down If you’ve been reading my blogs you know all about the global currency crisis – and that Europe is in real trouble. Yes. No question. But take a look at these other WSJ headlines from today’s cycle:             Wells Fargo Profit Rises, Revenue Slips             Accounting Gain Boosts Citigroup Profit...
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  YEAR-TO-DATE *                    THRU 10/14/2011 DJIA              +0. 6% 15-51I           +13.7%   You know, the secret to investment success is not: Buy Low and Sell High – it’s less is best. That’s what I demonstrate in LOSE YOUR BROKER NOT YOUR MONEY. Bigger is better in business – not investment. With investment, less is best. Superior 15-51 construction outperforms market construction every time – always, consistently, over...
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The fastest way to correct the course of the U.S. economy and add jobs is as follows: 1.     Cut Market Taxes (1): a.      Consumer/Individual: 25% Highest Rate, 5% Lowest Rate(2) b.      Business/Corporate: 15% Highest Rate, with deductions allowing rates as low as 5% c.   Investor/Long Term Capital Gains & Dividend Income: 15%, with deductions allowing rates as low as 5%(2) 2.      Raise Interest Rates...
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Two stories hit today that sent the Dow Jones Industrial Average soaring, ending up 339 points and almost 3%. A deal to restructure Greece’s debt was struck in Europe, and the US Bureau of Economic Analysis issued that Real GDP increased 2.5% – that’s growth from last quarter, not for the year. Here’s quarterly GDP growth...
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Right now Wall Street and talking heads are speculating about the possibility of a “double-dip recession.” This is semantics. The U.S. economy has been in recession for years now and has never truly recovered. A double-dip, therefore, is an impossibility. To plug the gap in GDP caused by the “financial crisis” of 2008 the US government has gone on an...
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When you know how “the market” works it’s much easier to predict than the weather.  That makes stormy days like today easy to see coming, which in turn makes them easier to handle and manage. Nothing has changed.  Recession isn’t a real possibility — it’s a reality.  A global currency crisis still exists, and unlike the “financial...
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Here’s today’s key Wall Street Journal headlines: Stocks Retreat Moody’s Cuts U.K. Lenders (banks) Fitch Cuts Spain, Italy EU Steps Up Crisis Response Payrolls Rise as Striking Workers Return Even though mixed signals are part of the game, it’s easy to see that investors are scared and Europe is in real trouble.  Nothing’s changed. XRef these blogs for more info: Asset...
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Stock market hostilities won’t subside until central governance stops throwing money around and starts fixing the Market’s problems. President Obama’s speech today was another desperate plea for more money; and he’s looking more like a subprime mortgage borrower did during the housing collapse – please, please, just one more re-finance – than a chief executive officer. And it’s hurting the...
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Today is a very sad day.  Apple icon Steve Jobs died today. May God rest his soul and bless his family, friends, coworkers and employees – and every investor at every corner of the world.  Today we lost someone very special. And those in the iCloud got one legend richer.  Godspeed!
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