I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (afib) in early 2015. Afib is a condition where the top chamber of the heart beats at an abnormally high rate of speed while the lower beats at a normal pace. During the episode blood tends to pool in the lower chamber, increasing the risk of clots and...Read More
It’s hard to believe ten years have passed since LOSE YOUR BROKER NOT YOUR MONEY first hit the streets. The book, which began as a graduate school project in the early 1990’s, demonstrates the investment process using my stock selection method and patent-pending 15-51™ allocation system. My method follows basic logic and common sense, and...Read More
In the old days stock market trends were somewhat connected to the condition of the market economy and its activity. When the economy was booming stocks were rising. When the economy was in recession stocks would fall. That is no longer the case. Today there is literally no connection between the two. Stocks are at...Read More
The long awaited 3rd quarter numbers were released a few days before the election and seemingly no one took notice. Stocks gained one-percent that day, Thursday, October 29, only to lose the same amount on the following day. And with the election just around the corner from that weekend, a typical Wall Street response would...Read More
While the markets have oscillated since my last blog their status remains unchanged. All stock markets, American or otherwise, remain near all-time highs. Here are a few Wall Street Journal headlines that can be tied to recent stock market volatility. GDP Growth Estimates Tumble, Again (3.25.2015) U.S. Stocks Down After Weak Economic Data (4.2.2015) Fed’s Rate Decision...Read More
Stock market strength has pulled-back 10% from its high-water mark this year, the Dow Average is off 4%, and gold has trimmed 5% from its top. Even so, stock market returns remain very much inflated. In the most recent twelve months the Average is still up 18%, Strength has gained 47%, and gold has added...Read More
Jul 07, 2012 Let me begin by saying that I’m not a lawyer and I have a plaque on my desk to prove it. But I can read, and have an independent mind. My goal in this blog area, as always, is to provide you – the independent investor – with all the tools and analysis required...Read More
There is an old saying that criminals serving long-term prison sentences can become “institutionalized,” meaning they become so reliant on the jail system to provide their basic necessities of life – food, water and shelter – that they can’t live without it, or outside of it. They become institutionalized when the very thought of maintaining...Read More
The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 248 points (2.1%) today, and with it all of its gains for the year. The 15-51 strength indicator ended down 1.4% for the day but remained up 6% for the year. Here’s the year-to-date chart comparison. Today was the same old story: Europe is a financial disaster and America is right...Read More