The fastest way to correct the course of the U.S. economy and add jobs is as follows:

1.     Cut Market Taxes (1):

a.      Consumer/Individual: 25% Highest Rate, 5% Lowest Rate(2)

b.      Business/Corporate: 15% Highest Rate, with deductions allowing rates as low as 5%

c.   Investor/Long Term Capital Gains & Dividend Income: 15%, with deductions allowing rates as low as 5%(2)

2.      Raise Interest Rates

3.      Tighten Monetary Policy & Regulatory Loopholes

4.      Drastically Cut Government Spending Bogus Regulations

5.      Aggressively Pay Down National Debt

(1)       Look for future blogs discussing tax rates and recommendations.

(2)       Except for those below the poverty line.

All five must be done to fix the Market; otherwise we’ll remain twisting in the wind and gold will continue to outperform.


PS: Any new tax, be it a Value Added Tax (VAT) or national sales tax, is a horrible idea.  Taxes always get abused and never go away.  Connecticut residents know this all too well.  No new taxes!!!

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