If you’ve been reading my blogs regularly you know what “the market” is doing and why it’s doing it.  You know its problems and fixes.  And if you’ve read my book you know that governments control markets.

Yesterday Fox News hosted the last Republican debate before Iowans cast the first votes to see who will square off against President Obama in next year’s election.  In my opinion, it was the best debate so far.

The American market is stumbling, broken, and without direction.  In an ever increasing hostile world, the U.S. has world record debt and no confidence in a prosperous future.  This, of course, is a result of more than a decade of poor bad management.  That makes this votean extremely important one:  Domestic Policy is the most pressing matter before We the People in the coming 2012 election.


Because America can never gain standing in the world with a weak economy – and that’s what We really need to do right now – Gain Standing.

Last night’s debate was revealing.  We now know for sure who is who on the Republic side of the aisle.  We can thank the Fox News hosts for that.  They went on offense and asked the questions skeptical independents wanted to hear.  I’m grateful that they did.

Yesterday Ron Paul said that he thought everyone on stage had an excellent chance to beat reigning heavy-weight champion Barack Obama.  I strongly disagree.  I don’t think any of them have much of shot.  That’s too bad – because for yet another time in American history change is what we need more than any thing.

This is not a political blog, nor will it turn into one.  This space, my space, is reserved for market commentary and how it affects investment.  My approach is always driven by what is best for investment and the American Market.  I could care less about politics.

That said, Ron Paul is the only one on last night’s stage who understands how the Market is built, what makes it move, and what needs to be done to fix it.  He understands enterprise and the appropriate role of government (he wants to shrink government and expand the free market) – and he knows the urgency corrective action must arrive.  To compare Ron Paul’s potential to any other Republican is to compare Easy Money to “the market” Average.  See how that looks below.


Congressman Ron Paul’s policies are pro-people and anti-government.  That’s good for business, investment, and markets.   That makes him the best bet for investors.


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