It has been one year since the 15-51 Indicator was published via LOSE YOUR BROKER NOT YOUR MONEY. Since then, stock market strength has produced an amazing 44% return on investment in ugly market conditions. Average stock market returns, as indicated by the Dow Jones Industrial Average, produced a measly 3% gain in the most recent twelve months. Gold is up 9%. See chart below.


While my Market opinion on recent Supreme Court rulings is not yet complete, one thing is clear: If your investment portfolio is not greatly outpacing market averages you are in for a very unpleasant surprise when you reach the Golden Age of retirement. The prices for healthcare services and other essential health products have no choice but to rise steadily – and at times sharply – under increasingly shortened supplies.

Now more than ever, it’s time to LOSE YOUR BROKER NOT YOUR MONEY.

You’ll need the money.

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