The events in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, on December 14, 2012 struck me in a very personal way. It is the home of my wife and family, and the school system that educates our children. It also is my place of work.

My office window overlooks the now famous intersection that leads to Sandy Hook Elementary School – right in the center of Sandy Hook. Locals here call it “the Hook;” people here, are called “Hookers” (and I am one of them.)

I watched the horrifying events unfold from behind my desk that day. My mind is still reeling, business means less, and life means so much more.

Before this horrible event Hookers were different from Newtowners – who, as our parent municipality, have a different zip code. We all have our own story about that day, and some-how we are all connected to a victim in some-way. But as tragedies often do, this one brought us together. Before this gruesome massacre we were just a community; today we are family.

Today we are all Hookers.

And to those Hookers for whom we do not know or cannot hug together and cry, may you pull strength from our collective prayers and grief, and take solace in the fact that Heaven just became a better place. I pray that God provides you and your families with the strength to survive this hardship, and that there is a fitting hell for the bastard that stole the precious gifts of life and innocence.


Many thanks are in order for the first responders – police, ambulance, and fire – from all surrounding communities as well as state and federal assets – for an immediate and extremely professional response; for the teachers and administration officials who gave their lives for their children, our children; for the many anonymous donors who bought Newtowners breakfast, coffee, supplies or soup at various local establishments; for the many mourners across this great nation and the globe who showed the support of a peace loving world through compassionate vigils, prayer sessions, and tributes; and to the rest of the Newtown school system that excelled in every aspect of post-traumatic life – from communication, management, and support. It is impossible for a grateful community to appropriately thank you all – but Thank You anyway!

May God bless you and reward your actions, with affection and rejoicing honor,

from this blogging Hooker.

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