
Ronald Reagan once perceptively noted, “We don’t have inflation because people are living too well. We have inflation because government is living too well.”Exactly. The last time America’s financial condition could be considered healthy was back in the late 1990’s, when Bill Clinton worked with the Gingrich Congress to effectuate some semblance of fiscal sanity....
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Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently announced that U.S. central government will hit the debt ceiling one day after Trump takes office, on January 21, 2025. That is to say, it will essentially be “out of money” because it will no longer be able to issue more new debt (U.S. bonds) to cover its operating deficit....
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Hard to believe it’s been two years since my last blog but that is indeed the case…my apologies for the hiatus but I’ve been doing some heavy research and analysis on stocks, markets, and of course my 15-51™ method. The findings have been incredible – and have spawned a new angle in financial science that...
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Like business, investment is all about performance (making money) – and because of it, their ultimate success is measured in terms of profit, profit margins, and ROI – the more the merrier. Stocks achieved record highs just a few days into this year. But since then, 2022 has been a rocky road to steady decline....
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Quantitative easing (QE) is a method used by the Federal Reserve to inject new currency (a.k.a. liquidity) into the monetary system. It was invented during the 2008 financial crisis to recapitalize an insolvent banking system – one that failed under reckless easy money and lending policies that catered to subprime mortgage borrowers (those with low...
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The recession that inspired the 2008 financial crisis feels like a lifetime ago, its subsequent expansion now more than a decade along. Since recovering from the Great Recession back in 2010 stocks have enjoyed the longest uninterrupted expansion in history, featuring boom-like returns during the slowest pace of economic growth since World War II. The...
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Inflation continues to pressure American consumers and business operators, and after a quick review of the numbers it looks as if it’ll only get worse before it gets better. Here are some facts… The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures pricing for a basket of goods to determine inflation. CPI has averaged 2% growth (inflation) for...
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The lunacy in last year’s investment markets can be epitomized by the ever growing disconnect between real economic activity and the stock market, also known as the difference between Main Street and Wall Street. In a world with little sanity and logic the stock market is a great benchmark. But for all others the bond...
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We keep hearing the Biden administration claim that his massive spending plan is totally paid for and won’t cost a thing, something they plan to achieve with tax increases and an additional 87,000 new IRS agents – you know, to track down the “rich bad guys” who aren’t paying their “fair share.” To believe such...
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If you understand what’s going on in the world of money, economics and government policy, it’s plain to see that all of central governance is rife with corruption, riddled with erroneous information and false narrative, all of which is covered by a blanket of elitist arrogance intended to hide their incompetency and/or ill-founded motives. The...
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