The long awaited 3rd quarter numbers were released a few days before the election and seemingly no one took notice. Stocks gained one-percent that day, Thursday, October 29, only to lose the same amount on the following day. And with the election just around the corner from that weekend, a typical Wall Street response would...Read More
Successful investors have the ability to separate policy from politics – and to completely disregard the latter. Understanding the link from policy to profit is important because it affects both market activity and behavior and therefore prices, which then helps investors to either capitalize on, or hedge against, expected market trends. Healthcare is a great...Read More
Timing is one of the things that scares people away from taking control over their investment capital. The question of when to act – to buy, sell, or hold – paralyzes many because they don’t have guidelines that make action easy. My method, for instance, takes the guesswork out of decision making by inserting triggers...Read More
The government reported an economic contraction of 34% in the 2nd quarter of 2020 and I’m not so sure how they came up with that. Using the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis’s (BEA) raw datasets the annualized change from Q1’s $19.0 trillion economy to a $17.2 trillion economy in Q2 calculates to a contraction of...Read More
The 2nd quarter is over and the economy is still far from where it was before Trump gave the order to shelter in place. In what was promised to be a short two week quarantine in March ended up destroying the entire 2nd quarter economy – numbers are due out in a couple of weeks....Read More
The last time a major correction was unfolding right before my eyes I was four years into writing the first edition of LOSE YOUR BROKER NOT YOUR MONEY. The first several drafts contained extensive analysis that forecasted the major correction that was developing as the housing-boom approached its predictable end. And then bang, it happened....Read More
Both are pretty scary in their own right but for me it’s the virus because I’m not a doctor or virologist and only know what’s in the news – and I know how unreliable that is. But what is happening in the financial markets was bound to happen, and quite frankly, long overdue. Those who...Read More
Success is a constant pursuit, not a moment in time – especially when it comes to investment. Those looking for overnight success are gamblers, who must rely on luck to win. And that is the riskiest approach to take with investment. The least risky tactic, therefore, is one that seeks success over a long period...Read More
Investment is more of a discipline than anything else. You must have rules and boundaries – and you must honor them, or else they don’t exist. In my book I mention my rule not to invest in public equity stocks with prices less than $15. It’s a hard and fast standard, and something I just...Read More