This could be the longest span of time between blogs since I began posting online articles more than six years ago. The reason for my silence is simple: nothing of any significance has happened.—And I never wanted to be one of those pundits who create nothing from nothing. Such a practice has a tendency of...Read More
Stocks continue to adjust to the prospects of a significant Trump tax cut. Candidate Trump ran on reducing corporate income taxes from 35% to 15%, and decreasing the highest personal rate from 39.6% to 25%. The million dollar question still exists: What will President Trump be able to get through Congress – and when? Speculation is that some...Read More
It wasn’t long after Donald Trump gave one of the most unique inaugural addresses in the history of our great country that pundits like Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow likened him to Hitler. I wonder if those two knuckleheads have ever read even a few pages of Mein Kampf. To refute their utter nonsense I...Read More
The Dow Jones Industrial Average was last year’s big winner; it posted a solid 13.4% gain in 2016. The S&P 500 added 9.5% for the year, and the 15-51 Strength Indicator recorded an 8.6% gain. All three market indicators ended the year more than 1% off their all-time highs, and more than half of their...Read More
Well if I was correct in describing Britain’s epic Brexit vote as a modern day Lexington and Concord then the presidential vote of November 8th is today’s version of the Battle of Saratoga – an event where a bunch of rag-tag “deplorables” rose up and turned the tides on the establishment crown, a victory that provided a pivotal...Read More
This year’s presidential election reminds me so much of the run-up to the Brexit vote. Almost every academic scholar, political operative, and industrial leader is backing the establishment position, Hillary Clinton. And just like the stance to remain in the European Union, Hillary is ahead in the polls. But will the establishment lose out again?...Read More
The American media has reduced the coming presidential election down to a simple sinister matter: whether Hillary Clinton is too corrupt or if Donald Trump is too crazy to be the next president. The answers to those positions are quite simply, yes and yes. Hillary has proven herself to be too corrupt; and indeed, Trump...Read More
Major stock market participants threw a temper tantrum immediately following the historic British vote to exit the European Union. After a sharp drop in value institutional investors realized that the real threat to market stability isn’t a mere British exit from the EU, but instead a mass exodus that ultimately causes the Euro to collapse....Read More
The Brits had a chance to seize the world dialogue with their Brexit vote and they made the most of it. On Thursday, June 23, 2016, Liberty and Free Markets scored a major victory. On that glorious day the British people voted to leave the European Union in spite of a well-choreographed full-court press inflicted...Read More
It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged but really nothing has changed. Persistent themes continue to play out. The American economy – albeit the strongest in the world – continues to show signs of fracture. The most recent jobs report came in much weaker than expected and wage growth has consistently been described as “anemic” by...Read More