
  I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (afib) in early 2015. Afib is a condition where the top chamber of the heart beats at an abnormally high rate of speed while the lower beats at a normal pace. During the episode blood tends to pool in the lower chamber, increasing the risk of clots and...
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It’s been a while since I opined on the current state of the markets and that’s because the only thing that has changed is my level of disgust with the world – especially with the news media, who echo false claims made by so called experts as if they are hard, fast, and true. Facts,...
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It’s hard to believe ten years have passed since LOSE YOUR BROKER NOT YOUR MONEY first hit the streets. The book, which began as a graduate school project in the early 1990’s, demonstrates the investment process using my stock selection method and patent-pending 15-51™ allocation system. My method follows basic logic and common sense, and...
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The most popular question on everyone’s mind is not whether a major correction will ever occur but when will it actually arrive. The answer to that mystery is as predictable as it is elusive. To put it plainly, the proverbial shit will hit the fan as soon as inflation heats up to the point it...
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The importance of employing a well-defined method of allocation cannot be oversold. It makes everything so much easier, from stock selection to decision making, to understanding how your portfolio will behave under any market condition. The reason many consider the stock market to be scary is because they have no idea what to expect from...
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In the old days stock market trends were somewhat connected to the condition of the market economy and its activity. When the economy was booming stocks were rising. When the economy was in recession stocks would fall. That is no longer the case. Today there is literally no connection between the two. Stocks are at...
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Year-over-year inflation came in at 4.9% in the 4th quarter 2020, and Real Gross Domestic Product shrank by a significant -9.8%. Bad news indeed – but you would never know it by the way the stock market is behaving. More on that in a bit. Inflation (a.k.a. the cost of money) has no choice but...
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New wave trading app Robinhood is the latest example of Wall Street’s corruption and it should alarm all of us. GameStop, both victim and beneficiary of bad policy, is not an isolated instance nor is it limited to the Davey and Goliath plotline. The only way to appreciate how it affects each and every one...
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In any analysis of Trump it is important to recall how he actually made it into office. The biggest draw to him was that he wasn’t one of them – a career politician beholden to special interest money. That independence, along with his willingness to fight as dirty as his political rivals, were refreshing changes...
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Think of how crazy our world is today… Political turmoil has never been greater and it’s impossible not to feel disenfranchised by both political Parties. The entire government apparatus – FBI, CIA, IRS, DOJ, the court system and Federal Reserve, Cabinet Members for any administration and every new Congress – have proven to be nothing...
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